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Pradeep Chintapalli

Master Student

Research Interests:

- From atoms to stars
- Behavioural Ecotoxicology
- Community ecology
- Plant intelligence and communication systems
- Complementary and alternative medicine
- Scientific Photography


I am always fascinated by nature and the beauty of its biodiversity as I started reading books, watching documentaries about wildlife and going for expeditions. This provoked me to contribute my service towards nature protection. I have completed my bachelors in Pharmacy from 2013-17 in Southern Institute Of Medical Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, India with several months of working experience in both Pharmaceutical industries and in the healthcare sector as a Drug safety assistant.

After a thorough evaluation, I decided to do my masters in the field of Ecotoxicology. Therefore I began my journey at the University of Koblenz-Landau in 2019. I am currently in the third semester of my course. Besides my studies, I work as a student assistant in the team for Community Ecology & Ecotoxicology in the projects DINA and INPEDIV.

Currently, I am participating in a summer exchange program at the Cluster of Collective Behavior at the University of Konstanz where I am exploring links between behavior, neuroscience, and agrochemicals.

My personnel interest in the natural world progressively evolved into the observation of animals in their habitats and into nature & scientific photography.






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